Breaking news: Warwick Garage Saves Santa!

‘Twas winter in Warwick
When one cold frosty day,
Santa came spluttering by on his sleigh.
To his amazement it didn’t drive well,
His vehicle was noisy, no good for Noël.
‘Oh Rudolph!’ he shouted ‘give me a break!
This noise being made will keep kids awake’.
Luckily our roof is quite some size,
So his sleigh landed gently and we brought it inside.
We diagnosed the issue and repaired it on site,
We couldn’t have children waking up with a fright,
To no presents from Santa, that just wouldn’t do,
It was bad enough there might be no snow.
So our expert mechanics sorted it fast,
Santa’s problem sleigh would be a thing of the past.
And while waiting in reception enjoying mince pies,
He looked our service team right in their eyes,
‘I can’t thank you enough, you worked at great speed,
To rectify things in my hour of need’.
‘Merry Christmas to all’ he boomed from his sleigh,
And as quick as a flash, Santa got on his way.
So when you see Santa in the sky from afar,
it’s thanks to the team at Just Nice Clean Cars.
Business owner, Carl Jay, commented ‘we hope you’ve enjoyed our festive Christmas ditty, it was my wife’s doing, she thinks she’s quite witty! But seriously, it does just go to show, there’s not much our mechanics really don’t know. So if you need a vehicle repair, an independent is best, that’s why Santa came here, independents cost less’.