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Complaints Procedure

Please tell us if you have any cause for a complaint.

We aim to provide a first-class service to all our customers. However, there may be occasions when something goes wrong that leaves you disappointed or dissatisfied. If you are unhappy with any aspect of our service, we would like to know. Your comments are important to us; they help us to make changes that will ensure we meet your expectations now and in the future.

How to make contact

If you have a complaint about any aspect of our service, then we would like to hear from you. You can contact us by phone, in person, in writing or by email at the following address:

Garage Name:
Just Nice Clean Cars

Unit 1, Just Nice House
Millers Road, Warwick, CV34 5AE

Phone Number:
01926 836900

E-mail address:

Complaints by e-mail

If you send us a complaint by e-mail, we will usually respond to your e-mail address. However, there may be occasions when we will need to respond to you by post to ensure privacy or where we need to enclose copies of documents, so please provide your full postal address in the email.

How we will handle your complaint

We will try to resolve your complaint immediately and with the minimum of inconvenience to you. The person you initially contact will discuss your complaint and identify with you what we can do to put it right. The more information you can provide, the quicker we can try to resolve your grievance.

Sometimes we will not be able to solve the problem for you straightaway. In such cases, we will send an acknowledgment of your complaint in writing within two working days. On these occasions, we aim to resolve matters within 14 days.

If your complaint is particularly complex, it may take longer to resolve.

If, together, we cannot reach an agreement by the end of eight weeks, we will:

  • Send you a letter giving you a reason for the delay and an indication of when we expect to provide a resolution
  • Issue a final response letter, which will explain our final position.

If, for whatever reason, you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint you should get in touch directly with the person that has handled the matter so far. They will agree the next steps with you.

If you are still not satisfied you may refer your complaint to our ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) provider, which is The Motor Ombudsman – TMO, who will personally investigate the matter.


Just Nice Clean Cars Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FRN: 663362. All finance is subject to status and income. Written quotation on request. We act as a credit broker not a lender. We work with a number of carefully selected credit providers who may be able to offer you finance for your purchase. We are only able to offer finance products from these providers.

We can introduce you to a limited number of finance providers and products for which we shall receive a commission. The commission we receive shall be either a fixed fee or a fixed percentage of the amount you borrow. The finance providers we work with may pay commission at different rates, however the amount of commission that we receive does not have any effect on the amount you pay under your credit agreement.

It is our intention to provide a high level of service at all times. However if you have reason to make a complaint about our service you should contact Just Nice Clean Cars Limited at Just Nice House, Millers Road, Warwick, CV34 5AE. If we are unable to resolve your complaint satisfactorily, you may be entitled to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). Further information is available by calling the FOS on 0845 080 1800 or at

The vehicle specifications displayed on the website are supplied by a third party. Whilst every effort is made to verify and ensure the accuracy of the data, the information should only be used as a guide.

Where we are
Just Nice House

Just Nice House
Millers Road
CV34 5AE

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